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Herron Associates Provides Consumers in Indianapolis & Tampa with the Opportunity To:
Share their opinions with the people who have the power to make changes.
Influence new product development
Improve existing products and services
Guide public policy
Research participants also receive monetary rewards for sharing their opinions!
If you live in the Indianapolis, IN or Tampa, FL area, we welcome you to become a member of our consumer research panel. Many consumers find research participation to be enjoyable and rewarding. Research plays an important role in shaping our society by linking the public’s opinion to business, government and non-profit organizations. Share your opinions to make a difference in the lives of others like you!
Who is Herron Associates Opinion and Marketing Research?A market research firm that has been conducting in-person focus groups and taste test in Indianapolis since 1958 and in Tampa since 1982. Your information is confidential, we will never share your contact information, we will never attempt to sell you anything, we PAY YOU for your in-person participation and opinions! Herron’s role in the research process is to find qualified participants and provide specialized facilities where the research is held.
How do I sign up to participate?Complete a personal profile for usage and demographics and agree to the terms and conditions for participation. Once complete, you will be a member of our research database of potential participants. This information is utilized to select potential participants who will be contacted by phone, email or text to be asked further questions. To “join” click here (orange link)
How am I paid?Incentive is in the form of prepaid debit cards. This is for both our safety and security and yours.
I just signed up, how soon can I participate:"The matching process immediately begins! After completing your profile you are an active member of our research database and you are in the collective pool of respondents eligible for projects. The estimated time is determined by project specifications. It can be a few minutes up to a few weeks for you to be a potential match. Once identified we will reach out by email, phone or text with questions specific to an active project to determine if you meet the full criteria and can be invited to participate. *Note: Any available studies/surveys for which you may be a match will be in your research portal.
Is my personal information shared or sold to others?All personally identifiable information (PII) obtained: is ONLY for the purpose of research will not be shared or sold We value our research database participants and appreciate your willingness to participate and feel we have a mutually beneficial relationship. It is not in our best interest to break that trust. Our clients who may be in the actual research with you have guidelines that they refrain from asking you for contact information for other purposes. If you are asked, we encourage you not to provide this information. click here for FULL PRIVACY STATEMENT
Why do you need to know my personal information and ask so many questions during screening?The more information you tell us about yourself the more accurately we identify those meeting the research criteria which means the more likely you will meet the requirements to be invited. We may ask for your age, ethnicity, education, income, employment, marital and child status because we have requirements to obtain a mix and blend of demographics that represent our city. The criteria to participate varies from project to project so we ask questions about usage and attitude because we cannot maintain information on every imaginable topic and individuals habits, likes and wants change over time.
How often can I participate and get paid?The time or frequency limits are set by project and depend on the type of research you last attended and our current projects requirements. It may be 1 month, 3 months, 6 months or ever on the same topic. If there are no projects in your portal that means you participated too recently for the current projects.
What is a focus group and what I am asked to do?A Focus Group Discussion consists of 6-8 individuals like you. The group is led by a professional moderator who asks questions and keeps the discussion on topic. Focus groups are interactive in nature with each person actively participating by sharing their opinion, viewpoint and experiences on the given topic.
Who is the client? What is the research about?Similar to our promise to protect your sensitive information, we protect our clients confidentiality as well. There are times when the client is revealed, but many times it is not shared because it is important to get unbiased opinions and for you not to bring preconceived viewpoints into the research. In general, clients are typically large corporations with the need to gauge public opinion on their products and services in order to improve existing products or create new products that are not in the marketplace.
Do I always have to log into my account portal to participate?Your portal is the fastest and most efficient path to participating. If you ever feel uncomfortable giving information online, please call to be screened over the phone. 317-887-8900.
Why can’t my friends and family participate with me?Persons knowing one another are more likeminded and with a limited number of participants we need to represent as large of a cross-section of the population as possible. Also, we need participants to speak freely so we avoid bias that can arise from the influence of personal relationships within a group. There are a few circumstances when friends and family can participate together and that includes taste tests or self administered interviews.
Why do I never get invited to participate?It can feel that way for sure. Every project has maximum numbers we can accept for each demographic category. There may be usage or attitudinal criteria that you must fit. eaten or NOT eaten a specific product in the past 4 weeks which cable company you subscribe to and what stations you watch the brands and types of personal care products you prefer Keep trying and be sure to complete as much of your profile as possible in your portal so we may better target you for projects for which you are likely to meet the criteria.
Can I retake a survey or pick up where I left off? “Web Survey Timeout” message.If the survey ends without being completed, your connection drops or you exceeded the maximum time allotted for a question you may finish. The survey will appear in your portal under “Studies in Session", “Incomplete Surveys”. Once you complete a survey you cannot answer the questions again. Please take your time and answer all questions thoroughly and honestly.
How do I go back after submitting an answer?We do not offer this feature. Please take your time and answer all questions thoroughly and honestly.
Why haven’t I seen a survey in awhile?Out of respect of your time , we attempt to only offer you the surveys that give you the highest possibility of meeting the criteria and being invited. We limit the number of times that we contact each respondent as not to become an annoyance. Note: Make sure you have a complete profile, missing information can lead to fewer survey opportunities.
How do I cancel an appointment?You can cancel in your portal or you may call us at 317-887-8910. If you calling outside of our business hours please leave us a message with the following information: your first and last name, phone number, and a brief description of the project.
Can I reschedule my appointment to another time?You can cancel in your portal or you may call us at 317-887-8900. Portal: Select the project, select “I wish to change my current session” This will bring up other available sessions. If none, you can cancel and call us to see if there are any open sessions that may work for you.
What are your Recruiting office hours?Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday are from 10am to 8pm Wednesday and Friday are from 11am to 4pm Weekend hours are customized on demand. Leave a message.
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